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ACT clubs are included at the start of the NSW list, and NT clubs are included at the start of the SA list

Find an Australian Bowling Club

To obtain a full list of clubs in any state click on the state above. For a shorter list click on the letters

This page is by far the fastest way to find contact details of every club in Australia. Please ask your webmaster to add a link to find_a_club.

The listing currently shows 1794 clubs.There are active links to 1121 club web sites and 521 club facebook pages. These were all checked in January 2022

If you know of an active club which is not included or a closed club which is still on the list, please let me know by emailing me at bob@paxtoncat.com.au

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Enter the first 3 or 4 digits of a postcode OR some consecutive letters from a suburb name (case sensitive)

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Header PhotographsThe Measure - thanks to
Grandparent's Day

Lindsay teaches Will(aged 4)